Sunday, January 17, 2010

God Bless Ameriraq!! Opps! Do Over Please!

I don't want to point fingers at one particular president or policy because I think it's only fair to realize how many people are involved in the decisions that affect our Countries stability. But I do want to point the finger at the public, myself included. It terrifies me that we are fed one big sales pitch after the next in absolutely everything we watch, read, or buy. Basically those gossip rags are one big advertisement of.... which shoes will make you "the toast of the town", which jeans will "give you confidence", which colors will project "an air of success", & so on & so forth. Our radio stations are merely commercials with streamed in music in between and the D.J.'s had better not have too much of an opinion on anything (unless thats the persona thats made millions), otherwise just shut up & play the music. We are slowly becoming a nation of robots. We are medicated out of our minds and if you're not, then just watch some t.v. tonight and you'll see a commercial for a new drug that seems to mention every single absolutely normal human function as now a condition of which requires a prescription.It begs the question, aside from being manipulated by the relentless media; "are we also being sedated?". Think about it. We have a pill for everything these days, so why worry about a war or the economy or the future when you can simply take a "doctor prescribed pill" and just zone worries, right? And if this is whats going on now, how bad will it be in 10 years from now or 20? Are we being set up for some even more alarming news....Ok, we've been conditioned to the fact that our worlds slowing heating up to eventual depletion, our economy (our nations pocketbook) has no money left in it, rents are still sky high as jobs & wages are at a rock bottom low,,,and so sit back, take a pill, cause guess what?! The prez has a whole new policy for change and it goes a little something like this.... bare with me while I dream sequence (The prez calls for a press conference. Topic: Change! "Welcome Americans, we in the White House have put together a plan of action for the remainder of your years that will solve this Nations economy & guarantee every American a job. The only way our Country can regain control of their budget is to widdle down the overall pay scale (overhead)... we have to lower minimum wage to a scale from the 1980's at $3.35 per hour, since no American can afford to live on that measly wage, we are importing our dear neighbors from Mexico and giving them every job in America, as well as, importing any technical jobs to (low overhead) India. Certainly your wondering how this will affect you Americans...well, since we've destroyed the Country of Iraq thus creating jobs to fill in the process, we are adopting Iraq as our own now, therefore sending every American to Iraq to start their new lives as Ameriraquis!! Enjoy your new life!!!!)

Ok, so Im thinking way outside the box on that one, but do you blame me? I mean, have you noticed how far the gap between classes from lower to high class has gotten. Is their a middle class anymore? It has become so difficult to keep our debt to income rations in order that most of us who were once middle class, have now fallen so far down the ladder to poverty level and truly the only thing that may save ones sanity is knowing when to admit that fact. Because, sadly, so many of us haven't or better yet, are terrified to admit that fact. But I'll tell you, when you finally come clean about how much the economy has effected you, your finances, & your future....its almost a relief. Its freeing in a way. So your broke, I'm broke, we're all broke....take a pill!

But... back to reality.....or back to distractions. Celebrity distractions, wealth, fame, cars, clothes.... reality stars of whom haven't even been touched by the bad economy because their making $9K to $70K per ridiculous show their shooting. Reality "stars" that are taking up time on our news stations and yet rarely have our news anchors asked the question "What will our Country be like 20 years from now?". This is what I want our leaders and anchors to be worrying about. You know, 20 years flew by for me and in that time so much has changed so fast that its mind blowing. And with the invent of cell phones & Internet, it seems things have sped up 100 x's quicker then any other time in history. And although alot has improved, more, it seems, has become worse. Do you remember the scene in Jurassic Park where Jeff Goldblum presents the question "You (scientists) have spent so much time making sure you could bring these dinosaurs back, but you never asked if you should?", And with that the dinosaurs went on to eat the scientists who made it possible for them to exist in the first place.

Is that where we are as a Nation right now? Is our gov't,scientists. and techies spending so much time n' money in a race to advance our society without asking themselves "should we in the first place?" "what are the repercussions of this new technology?" "How will these advances affect mankind 10, 20, 50 years from now?" "WILL IT IMPROVE MANKIND OR WILL IT EXPEDITE OUR DECLINE?". These are simple questions and I don't think any of our leaders are asking them, because if they were, they may realize that its in everyones best interest to slow down a little bit. By that I simply mean that when something is being newly infused into our culture or our world (be it technology, medicines, policy's,ect...) it should be so very scrutinized with future outcome results, impact on society both now and 20 years from now, ect... Simply because our "experts" have become a sorority of "do over's". Do you remember the "Mission Accomplished" Prez Bush so proudly led Americans to believe that his call of duty was quick n' to the point....and complete! "Opps! Do Over please!" he said a few months later as he sat in the oval office pondering the global impact of his hasty decision to invade a Country! And wasn't the mission supposed to be in Afghanistan to stop those pesky Taliban's that destroyed two of our nations most prominent buildings (Twin Towers).

And you see pharmaceutical companies asking fro "do-overs" all the time. Just watch your favorite tv show as its interrupted by another one of those lawyers ads claiming that the prescription your doctor had so highly touted as being the cure all for your problems , has been linked to damaged organs &/or death to hundreds of Americans. "Opps! Do Over please!" the pharmaceutical companies said as they wrote out checks for hundreds of millions of dollars to family who lost their loved ones. So wait!!!! Does this vicious cycle of death & money sound immoral to you? Well lets dream sequence again.....( You take dear ol' mom to the Dr because she saw a commercial that seemed to pin point her exact problem...after having named 50 ailments...but one caught her attention & she is certain that the pill on the commercial will help her just like it did the folks on the commercial. The Dr gives her a quick ck up and prescribes her just what she asked for. A few weeks later she goes back, it seems that pill had some side affects and so Doc prescribes her another pill to help with the side affects. That'll balance her out! Right? Well a few weeks later mom dies. Turns out the medicine prescribed to her threw her whole body out of balance and the last thing an aging human being needs is new toxins put into their bodies. Seems to me you' better off seeing a nutritionist that prescribes a balanced diet & exercise.....not the doctor that makes a profit everytime he sells you a new pharmaceutical product. Long story short, after moms funeral, you see a commercial for the exact same product that dear ol'mom was prescribed. Turns out Joe Blow Lawyer has discovered its fatal...can you say "Do over please!". Well, you call up that lawyer, he wins you a settlement in the hundreds on thousands, and to make your sadness all better, you go buy yourself the Mercedes Benz that you've always wanted but never had the money to get! Wow!!!!!
Lets And we wonder why the world outside of America thinks we're a Country of no religious or moral integrity. A Country that only worships a "God" of the green papery sort, "Money!". After all, what's printed on our most worshiped commodity? "In God we Trust". And boy, it is every Americans goal to get as many "In God we Trust" papers as possible, whatever it takes!

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